Ghori represents the northeastern section of Rajaji The area is bio- rich, with good mix of ecosystems Including forest, Saccharum grasslands and mixed deciduous forest. The Sub- Himalayan biome is prominent in this area, north of the Shivaliks proper. There are hill villages_to the east and north of the range, while the Western areas of Ghori Slope down to the holy Ganges. The Chilla canal also runs through the southwestern corner of the range.

The Tedon gurgles past the eastern flank of Ghori Range. Several perennial streams including the Tedon (pic, below) provide life-giving water in all seasons, and hence there is a wide diversity of mammals, birdse reptiles and invertebrates—Since the Tedon — also known as the Badasni — flows just outside Rajaji, there are three eco-resorts along here, two of which can arrange good birding is a budget option for those self- sufficient in their eco-knowledge. The Tedon Valley is reached via a jeep track that skirts and later crosses the vast grassland flanked Binj Rao seasonal river bed. This is the only road link to villages to Ghori’s east, hence is always open. As one drives east along Binj Rao to the Tedon area, one is transiting Rajaji East. 

A winter dawn is a good time to enter Ghori, as one will be facing east. As dawn breaks over the rugged forested ridges on the horizon, the sky will seem to catch fire. ever so slowly. The heavens will change from purple to pink to Initially, one transits a patch of riverine forest. The water table is high, which creates good habitat for riverine flora. Kanju (Holoptelea integrifolia)- trees are common, with an understorey of Rohini trees. Langurs feed on the Kanju leaves and Cheetal will feed on the dropped leaves. This is good habitat for ungulates. Wild Boar too are seen, and possibly Nilgai. 

Among birds, winter migrants will be aplenty. Black Stork roost here and-feed on freshwater crabs jn the- Tedon. River Lapwing and Northern Lapwing, too. Grassland birds are visible as_ are Indian Roller, Black- and Spangled Drongo, Indian Silverbill, Baya Weaver and Scaly-breasted Munia. Raptors include Black-winged Kite, White- eyed Buzzard, Common Kestrel and Shikra. Peafowl are numerous, and one may watch out for lndian Hare hopping across the track or even, at dawn or dusk, an elusive Porcupine.

The Vindhyavasini temple is soon reached reached, looming over_the narrow valley, where the Tedon has taken a northward left turn. One may alight and walk up to the temple, which has a very long history going back, according to local belief, to the time of Ram and Sita. The Taal stream meets the Tedon. The Ancient Vindhyavasini temple.

The view from the Vindhyavasini temple shows the rich habitat mix of deciduous forest and farming terraces. Proper here, below the temple. Just a few decades ago were no roads and all people travelled on foot, this was on a pilgrim trail from chilla to Vindhyavasini to Neelkanth.

Since the water in both stream is perennial, there have been small villages in this area for centuries, if not millennia, they still do some terraced farming along the streams. Ergo, there fields attract seed-eating birds such as finches, bushchats robins, stonechats weavers and sparrows. At times, wild boar may raid their fields. One Curious historical oddity is a water mill close to the confluence. It user ancient low-tech means to grind grains into flour but still functions rather efficiently. One must next take the left turn to head north along the valley of the Tedon.

Often, ones sees familiar of elephants, here to bark-strip the areas Rohini and Ber trees and feast on the round fleshy mango-like fruits the Bel tree. One may ponder their huge dunge. As elephant metabolism is inefficient. Nesting material is plucked to birds from the undigested fibers Birds feed on the insects attracted by the nutrients; Indian Rollers and Gohri Bee-eaters may lurk in waiting in forests along the Tedon included Sal, Bakhli (Anogeissus latifolia), Ber (Zizyphus  mauritiana), Kaitha (Limonia acidissima) and ficus wild fig trees. Their leaves, flower and fruit are favoured  by ungulates, langurs and birds alike. The villagers have also planted numerous fruiting tress and flowering shrubs.

With its old-growth forest and fruiting tress, the Tedon valley hosts all three species of hornbill. Indian Grey Hornbill sometimes seen in noisy screeching flocks of several dozen. Less often, the Great Hornbill is seen, in overflight. Befitting the sheer majesty of this noble bird, it is known locally as the Banrao or Vanraj-the Forest King.  Red Junglefowl and Khaleej Pheasant too are visible.

Hyena, Ruddy Mongoose and Jungle Cat Kakar are uncoomon here, thought they abound elsewhere in similar forests. As one drives slowly up the narrow valley, as far the jeep tracks allows (the last eco-resort looms over the stream at left), one may also contemplate the role non-native invasive species are playing in the Rajaji ecosystem, and in India in General. Birds and butterflies love Lantana nector, and have propagated it well into the mid-altitudes of the Himalaya. Another invasive shrub here is ‘Vilayati Babul’ (Prosopsis juliflora), which sadly Great Hornbill Buceros bicomis 125 cm. In times gone by, shikar was common here, indulged in both by locals and by British burra Sahibs. Leopard Pugmarks on the sandy banks of the Tedon speak to their presence here. More rare are tiger prints, but some tigers do have territories in this area. Finally, Himalayan Black Bears descend to this valley in the winter from the higher Sub-Himalayan ridges. Indeed, the highest point in Rajaji, at 1,393m (4.582 ft) is in this area. Both sloth and black bears were once coveted trophies for shikaris. The more dangerous creature in Rajaji by wide margin, is indeed the bear.