Rajaji NP

How far is Rajaji National Park from Haridwar?

The maximum visited entry gates of Rajaji National Park is near Haridwar. Chilla Entry Gate is 7.1 Km Motichur Entry Gate 8.4 Km Jhilmil Entry Gate: 18 km Ranipur Entry Gate 7 km Know more about entry visit link https://rajajinationalpark.org/rajaji-national-park-safari/

What is Rajaji National Park famous for?

Rajaji National Park is famous for Asian Elephant, tiger, leopard, Himalayan Black bear, sloth bear, Civet, Marten, Jackal, Hyena etc, found in the Park.  It is estimated that there are more than 500 Asian elephants, 40 tigers, 1500 leopard and unlimited deers found in this park.

Is Rajaji National Park open in October?

The Jhilmil Zone near Rajaji National Park remains open round the year. You can visit this zone in October month also. The rest zones like Chilla, Ranipur, Motichur opens from 15th November Onwards. To know more about Jhilmil Zone and its habitat, wildlife, birds visit link jhilmil.in

How can I go to Rajaji National Park?

By Air. Nearest Airport is Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun which is just 37 km from Chilla Gate. Flights connect Dehradun to Delhi.By Train. Haridwar at a distance of 9 km is the nearest railway station.By Road. Buses are available from Delhi, Dehradun, Pauri and Kotdar to Haridwar and Rishikesh.

Cochlospermum religiosum

Cochlospermum religiosum (Galgal) Cochlospermum religiosum is a flowering plant It is a small tree growing to a height of 7.5 m usually found in dry deciduous forests. It is also known as silk-cotton tree because the capsules containing the seeds have a fluffy cotton-like substance similar to kapok. Another common name is buttercup tree because …

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Olax scandens

Olax scandens (Dheniani) Parrot Olax is a tree with round, smooth, rather zigzag branches. Leaves, carried on very short stalks, are rather leathery, nearly 2 inches long. Flowers are white with 5 narrow petals. The drupe is the size of a currant, partly covered by the calyx. Use in Ayurvedic medicine, the bark is used …

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Catamixis bachharoides

Catamixis bachharoides Baccharis Catamixis is a rare and threatened Himalayan undershrub, growing up to 0.75-1.8 m tall. Branchlets are round, aspressed silky hairy, or becoming hairless, densely leafy. Leaves are 3.5-5 cm long, obovate-spoon-shaped, base tapering into a stalk, leathery, hairless, margin wavy toothed. Flower-heads consist of 5-6-florets. They are slender, scarcely 1.5 inches. Flowers …

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Uraria picta

Uraria picta (Dabra) Dabra is anm erect perennial, undershrub, 1-6 ft tall, branches velvety. Lower leaves are 1-3-foliolate, upper 5-9-foliolate. Leaflets of the lower leaf 2-8 cm long, 2-3 cm broad, ovate; of upper leaves, 7-25 cm long, 5-25 mm broad, Flowers stalks are 6-9 mm long. Flowers are purple, pink or bluish, 8-9 mm …

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Cordia vestita

Cordia vestita (Bairola) Bairola is a deciduous polygamous tree with densely velvet-hairy branchlets. Leaves are 7-12 x 4.5-12 cm, broadly elliptic, ovate to obovate, blunt or pointed, base flat or wedge-shaped, margin wavy. Upper surface is rough and darker in colour, lower dense grey-white velvety. Leaf-stalk is up to 3.5 cm long. Flowers are yellowish-white. …

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