Rajaji NP

Setaria pumila

Setaria pumila (Ban Kauni) Yellow Foxtail is a clump-forming summer annual with a seedhead that resembles a fox’s tail. A weed of many agronomic crops, turf, landscapes, and nurseries. Leaf blades may reach 12 inches in length and 7-12 mm in width, and have long silky hairs at the leaf bases The bristles turn yellow …

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Saccharum spontaneum

Saccharum spontaneum (Kans) Saccharum spotaneum commonly known as Kans. Kans grasslands are an important habitat for the Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). In Nepal, kans grass is harvested to thatch roofs or fence vegetable gardens. Elsewhere, its ability to quickly colonize disturbed soil has allowed it to become an invasive species that takes over croplands and …

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Saccharum filifolium

Saccharum filifolium (Pahadi Kans) Stout perennial with woody base; culms up to 2 m high. Leaf-blades up to 50 cm long, semicylindrical, 1-3 mm in diameter, rigid, flexuous, long attenuate at the tip. lower lemma lanceolate, ciliate on the margins; upper lemma lanceolate, bifid at the tip with long narrow lobes or shortly 2-toothed, awned …

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Saccharum rufipilum

Saccharum rufipilum (Gulabi Kans) Saccharum spontaneum – Kans Grass. Kans grass is a grass native to South Asia. It is a perennial grass, growing up to three meters in height, with spreading rhizomatous roots. The grass grown in hill slopes area.

Saccharum bengalense

Saccharum bengalense (Munj) Saccharum bengalense, commonly known as Munj sweetcane, baruwa sugarcane or baruwa grass. This is a small species of sugarcane bamboo grass, growing 2–3 feet in height. The plant is colored pinkish-green. It is a food source for animals such as the Indian rhinoceros and the pygmy hog. The grass grown in grassland. …

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Rottboellia exaltata

Rottboellia exaltata (Itch Grass) Rottboellia cochinchinensis is an erect annual grass that reaches heights of 4 metres. It is a weed of warm-season crops around the world, preferring tropical and subtropical climates. It grows along roadsides and in other open, well-drained sites. It is also a very competitive weed with maize crops.

Pseudosorghum fasciculare

Pseudosorghum fasciculare Perennials; culms 90-100 cm high, loosely tufted; nodes glabrous. Leaves 15-40 x 0.8-1.2 cm, linear-lanceolate, glabrous. Panicle 5-13 cm long, congested. lower glume 4 x 1.5 mm, lanceolate; florets 2; lower floret empty, upper bisexual; first lemma oblong, second lemma 2-cleft at apex. The grass grown in sandy streams and its banks. Flowering …

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Polypogon monspeliensis

Polypogon monspeliensis (Rabbitsfoot Grass) Polypogon monspeliensis, commonly known as annual beard-grass or annual rabbitsfoot grass, is a species of grass. It is an annual grass growing to heights between 5 centimeters and one meter. The soft, fluffy inflorescence is a dense, greenish, plumelike panicle, sometimes divided into lobes. The spikelets have long, thin, whitish awns, …

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Phragmites karka

Phragmites karka (Narkul) Narkul grown in swampy river sides.Tall Reed is a perennial reed, with creeping rhizomes. Culms are erect, up to 10 m tall. Leaf-blades are 30-80 cm long and 1.2-4 cm wide, hairless, rough to touch beneath, the tips flat and stiff. Rhachilla, long, silky hairy above the lowest lemma. Flowering: April-November