Fruit Trees

Fruit trees of Rajaji National Park


Maniphal/mendal (Randia dumetorum) Maniphal  or Randia Dumetorum is a large deciduous thorny shrubs which grows up to 5 meters of height. Its Leaves are simple, ovate, wrinkled, shiny and pubescent in appearance. The Flowers are white, solitary and having honey like fragrance seen at the end of short branches. Fruits are globose, 1.8-4.5cm long, smooth …

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Bakar/bakarcha (Premna latifolia) Bakar is a tree up to 8 m high, bark greyish-white. Leaves are simple, opposite, flat or heart-shaped, tip tapering, margin entire or sawtoothed, Flowers are bisexual, greenish-white, in corymb-ike cymes at branch-ends, up to 7 cm long. Flowers are 4 mm across, tube 2 mm, densely hairy inside, petals ovate, blunt; …

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Ban Naringi

Ban naringi (Naringi crenulata) Beli is a small tree up to 8 m tall, with trunk carrying branched thorns; bark dark grey, smooth; blaze yellowish. Young branchlets are round, hairless, thorny. Leaves are compound, up to 15 cm long, alternate, spiral; axis with inverted-lanceshaped wings, hairless. Flowers are borne in leaf-axils. Flowers are white, flower-stalk …

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Bhimal (Grewia optiva) Bhimal is a small to medium-sized tree reaching a height of 13-15 m. It grows in subtropical climate, where day temperatures are between -2°C and 38°C and where summer and autumn months are dry. Bhimal is an important agro-forestry species. It is a multi-purpose tree providing leaf fodder, fibre, and fuelwood. It …

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Shettoot (Morus alba) A beatiful, large leaved, naturally well shaped tree that offers dense shade. Grows at about 1 ft/yr to 30 ft. Berries are mildly sweet, reminiscent of watermelon. This is the mulberry used to feed silkworms. Birds love the berries. The white mulberry is so-named for the color of its buds, rather than …

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Chamror (Ehretia laevis) This fast-growing small tree is found commonly in Delhi. Anacua has attractive dark green leaves. It blooms from spring through summer with white, fragrant flowers that cover the tree in dense clusters. The flowers drop off fast, and form a charming mat of white under the tree. It is not bothered by …

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Bis-Tendu (Diospyros Montana) Bistendu is a small deciduous tree with spiny trunk and spiny older branches. Leaves are elliptic lanceshaped, somewhat heart-shaped at the base and sharp or blunt at the tip. They are smooth above and velvety on the underside. Flowers are creamy white or greenish-white, tubular, with 4 petals which are curved back. …

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Barna (Cretaeva adansonii) Barna found throughout India, especially along the river banks. Bark grey, smooth horizontally wrinkled. Flowers white, or cream in many flowered terminal corymbs. The bark is grey, and the wood is yellowish-white, turning light-brown when old.  The flowers occur in terminal corymbs, are about 5 centimeters in diameter, greenish-yellow, and the stamens …

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Paniala (Bischoffia javanica) Bishop Wood is an evergreen or semievergreen woody tree with a maximum height of 40 m and diameter of 2.3 m. Though coarse at maturity, the bark is nearly smooth, grayish brown to brown, and 1 cm thick, and contains a red milky sap that becomes a resinous semi-solid when dried. Small …

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Sisham (Dalbergisa sissoo) Shisham is a medium to large deciduous tree, with a light crown which reproduces by seeds and suckers. It can grow up to a maximum of 25 m in height and 2 to 3 m in diameter, but is usually smaller. Leaves are leathery, alternate, pinnately compound and about 15 cm long. …

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